North Side HOA “No Mulch List” and HOA Payments

Good morning homeowners. The landscapers will be installing mulch in the unit beds starting tomorrow. If you do not want your bed mulched in the front of your unit, please let us know by the end of the day today so we can let the landscapers know.

Payments – There seems to be a little bit of confusion with the payment sites. Please use this as a guide and let us know if you don’t understand something.

Appfolio portal – the new portal which should be used for payments. You can pay North Side (monthly) HOA dues and Chelsea Cove HOA (annual) dues through the same portal.

Condo Cafe/Rent Cafe – this is the old portal and should not be used for anything. – This is the payment site for the Chelsea Cove HOA (annual) dues only. Do not make payments for North Side on this site. You can still use this site for Chelsea Cove (annual) dues if you wish.

We hope this helps and please let us know if you have any questions.

Changepoint Property Mgmt.
Valerie Fairhurst
Russell Teamer

North Side HOA Egg Hunt Re-scheduled for Sunday, 4/10/22

Good morning North Side residents. With all the rain we just received and more to come tomorrow, the Easter egg hunt for tomorrow unfortunately has to be rescheduled to Sunday, April 10th.


Grass area behind and between buildings – 7300 & 6900 (ages 1-6)

North Side playground – Ages 6 and up

Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm

Please have your child bring their own bag for collecting eggs. There will be prize baskets and gift cards for finding the glitter eggs.

If you already rsvp’d for tomorrow, you do not have to do anything. If you did not rsvp yet, please do so today. Thank you and hope to see you all there!

Changepoint Property Mgmt.
Valerie Fairhurst
Russell Teamer