March 13, 2023: Monday-Wednesday Storm Information

Good morning North Side. Unfortunately we’re expecting a big snow storm tonight into possibly Wednesday. Below is some important information concerning North Side HOA.

1. The red flags will be out on the main strip which means no parking on the main strip. Red flags = no parking. If you see the red flags out, DO NOT PARK ON THE MAIN STRIP. The main strip must be kept clear of all cars for the duration of the storm so the road can be cleaned of snow. Vehicles on the main strip will be towed so please do not park on the main strip. We know it sounds redundant but people continue to park on the main strip when the red flags are out and end up getting towed.

2. This storm will be a marathon storm which means it will go on for a long time. Do not move your cars to the main strip tomorrow because we have no idea when parking spaces will be cleaned. Please refer to #1 – no parking on the strip. We will send an email and a text to everyone letting you know when cleanup will start for the parking spaces. Do not move your cars until you receive the email/text.

3. Due to the amount of snow we’re expecting, ALL cars have to move for cleanup of the parking spaces. There is plenty of time to make arrangements now so please don’t wait until it’s time to move cars to say you’re at work and can’t move your car, your car doesn’t start or you worked the night shift and won’t be awake. Please make arrangements now to either move your car off the property or give your keys to a neighbor, friend or relative to move it for you. Leaving snow around any of the cars creates a liability for both the snow company and North Side HOA which in turn affects every single homeowner should someone fall. The fine for not moving for snow cleanup is $100.00 per car and/or towing.

4. Lastly, when it’s time for cleanup of the parking spaces, it’s going to take most of the day for the contractor to do the whole property due to the amount of snow. Keep in mind that the same crew will be working from tonight to possibly Wednesday morning only with breaks here and there so they will be exhausted. Let’s get them home as fast as possible. You can help by clearing off your cars ahead of time and being ready to move when it comes time for your lot’s cleanup. A lot of times, the trucks will enter the lot and people will just start clearing their cars off despite beeping of horns, emails and texts. The faster everyone exits the lot, the faster the snow removal will go and the workers will be able to get back to their families.

Please stay safe out there and don’t drive if you don’t have to. If anyone has questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. Have a a great day.

Valerie Fairhurst
Russell Teamer
Property Managers