Halloween 2024

Halloween is right around the corner so below are the details for this year’s holiday.
Please note, some residents may not wish to participate in Halloween. If you do not
wish to participate, please leave a note on your front door indicating that you will not be
handing out candy.

Trick or treating will be from 5:00pm to 9:00pm

Halloween Patrol will be on site the holiday weekend to patrol the property.
Curfew: The curfew is 9:00pm and will be in effect from Wednesday, October 29 through
Halloween night. Halloween patrol will be enforcing this. Anyone under the age of 18,
resident or guest must be inside a unit or off the property by 9:00pm each night.
Halloween patrol will stop anyone hanging out or walking around the community. This
is to protect the residents and the property.

Lights on: For the safety of all residents, please have your front and back lights on
starting Friday night and through Tuesday night.

Banned items: Eggs, shaving cream, toilet paper, etc. Vandalism will not be tolerated.
Anyone caught vandalizing any portion of the property will be prosecuted and fines will
be imposed. Parents – Please supervise your children.


Guests & Parking Permits: Residents are permitted to have guests join them for trick
or treating but everyone will be stopped at the front entrance to ensure anyone entering
is either a resident or a guest of a resident. This year, residents may provide their
guest with a guest pass so they have no trouble at the front entrance with
entering the property. If you need a guest pass for anyone you have visiting the
property on Halloween night, please contact our office and we will provide a guest pass
for you. If you have guests coming to the property, please make sure you give them this
pass. As always, residents must display an NSHOA parking tag in the windshield to
park on the property. If you do not have an NSHOA parking permit sticker, you will
be stopped when entering the property so please make sure you have a sticker to
show you live on site. If you need a permit sticker, please complete a vehicle
information form which can be found on the website (above) or in your homeowner
portal, and return it to Management.

Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!

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